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The Mercosur Chamber participates in a meeting of social columnists in São Paulo.

At the closing of the XXIV Congress of Social Columnists of APACOS, the Paulista Association of Social Columnists, which brought together associates and social columnists from other states of Brazil, from May 25 to 27 at the elegant Sheraton WTC hotel in São Paulo, the president of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Mercosur and the Americas, Miguel Luján Paletta, exchanged information with the group of columnists.
On that occasion, President Paletta met with the president of APACOS, the renowned social columnist, Ovadia Saadia, where both made their respective presentations and shared information about the entities they preside over. The opportunity was also taken to plan possible meetings.

– The Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Mercosur and the Americas discusses the agenda of events and a consulting program in Tourism.

On May 27, a special meeting was held between the President of the Mercosur Chamber, Miguel Luján Paletta, and the Director of Economic Development of the entity, Sergio Ruz, within the framework of an event at the Sheraton WTC hotel in São Paulo.

The reason was the definition of strategies in the agenda of national and international events and the programming of consulting work in Tourism aimed at the Municipalities of Brazil from 2012 to 2014, considering a series of measures that will bring benefits to the population of the cities, especially during the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games.

According to President Paletta, “the main idea is to discuss the Chamber's presence at different national and international events, and to organize the implementation of programs corresponding to the Tourism consulting system, of interest to the Municipalities, which requires highly developed technical work, with the aim of complementing public policies and integrating the sector into the self-sustaining economic development of the municipalities.”

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