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Paraguay will remain suspended from Mercosur until elections, says Patriota.

The Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Mercosur and the Americas has decided to maintain the suspension of Paraguay until the presidential elections are held in April of next year. This decision confirms the position taken against the government after the dismissal of former President Fernando Lugo in a questionable impeachment process last June.

This measure follows the example of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), which leaves Paraguay virtually isolated in the region.

"There are no changes in the suspension," said Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota at a press conference following the meeting of Mercosur foreign ministers in Brasilia.

Paraguay was suspended from the bloc after a swift process that dismissed Lugo, accused of poor performance in his office. Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, members of Mercosur, repudiated this measure, withdrew their foreign ministers and politically suspended the country from the bloc.

Paraguay was the only country whose Congress had not approved Venezuela's accession to Mercosur, which finally occurred in July due to Paraguay's suspension.

The Mercosur summit of presidents on Friday will mark Venezuela's full incorporation into the bloc, but will not include the presence of President Hugo Chavez, who was expected to attend. Chavez, 58, is in Cuba receiving medical treatment for cancer.

Patriota said that the bloc is looking for the “most appropriate and quickest” way for the full incorporation of Venezuela, referring to the adoption of the common nomenclature of Mercosur and the convergence of tariffs towards the Common External Tariff (TEC).

Bolivia has also expressed interest in becoming a full member “as soon as possible,” Patriota reported. (Reporting by Hugo Bachega and Esteban Israel)

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